. . . helping you get it done...
The library offers 10 computer workstations with high speed internet access and black and white print capabilities. The wireless signal is available for anyone to use 24 hours a day. Assistance is available from the librarians as needed. The Library encourages parents to work with their children on the Internet. The library upholds the Library Bill of Rights and does not monitor or regulate internet use for adults or for minors.
Remote Work Space
As part of our addition, we have added a remote working space that is available by reservation or by chance. Located in the back of the library, the room is closed off from the rest of the library. Users can use this provate space for remote meetings and conversations with out disturbing others in the library and without background noise.
Office Equipment
The following equipment is available for public use:
black and white copier - 10 cents per page
color copier - $1.00 per page
scanner - no cost